[gview file=”http://www.aaddalaska.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/MH-Health-Trust-May-2014-Health-Enterprise-Medicaid-Payment-Crisis-Information.docx”]
Health Enterprise Conversion issues update 02.27.14
[gview file=”http://www.aaddalaska.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Update_MMIS_Status_2014.02.27.pdf”]
Letter from Commissioner Streur 02.22.14
In response to our request for timely filing protection related to the Health Enterprise conversion on Oct 1, 2013, the Commissioner issued this letter[gview file=”http://www.aaddalaska.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Update_Timely_Filing_and_Audits_Letter_to_Providers_20140222.pdf”]
Link to Xerox updates on MMIS Conversion issues
Xerox is now posting regular updates to their website on the status of identified issues. You can access these updates by copying and paste the following link to your internet browser: http://manuals.medicaidalaska.com/docs/updates.htm
Health Enterprise Conversion Issues Matrix
Department of Health Care Services Director, Margaret Brodie has instructed Xerox to post this matrix to the Provider Portal of the Health Enterprise system, and to update it with new issues and resolution timeframes as a means of informing providers of progress. The AADD Finance Group will be meeting weekly on Tuesday mornings beginning January 7, 2014. Please feel free …
7/1 Waiver Regulations Implementation Issues
SDS is compiling a “clean-up” package of regulations to address unintended consequences related to the new waiver regulations released on 7/1. Examples of issues that have been identified include: Requirements for 1-on-1 supported living services: Need to examine the potential impact on the ability of providers who have developed more congregate settings (i.e. apartments where one provider supports multiple individuals …
10.31.2013 Comments to ORR on Draft Rate Regulations
AADD has submitted public comments regarding the Public Review Draft issued August 23, 2013 [gview file=”http://www.aaddalaska.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/AADD-letter-to-ORR-10312013.pdf”]
Alaska Medicaid MMIS Conversion to Health Enterprise Oct 1, 2013
AADD submitted a letter to Department of Health Care Services requesting a resolution plan for the following issues: MMIS Conversion Issues experienced by Waiver and PCA Providers since 10/01/13 CLAIM SUBMITTAL and DENIAL CODES Claims are denied for lack of a rendering provider NPI and rendering provider ID, for services such as respite and chore which do not require a …